Nanokontrol 2 Studio One 4

- Nanokontrol 2 Studio One 4 Pro
- Nanokontrol 2 Studio One 4.0
- Nanokontrol 2 Studio One 4.5
- Nanokontrol 2 Studio One 4.1
- Controllers >MIDI Controllers
Are Korg’s Bluetooth Nanos the ultimate mobile MIDI controllers?
After connecting the nanoKONTROL2, choose the Cubase menu item “Devices” ”Device Settings.” 2. In the screen, click “Set Up MIDI Ports.” 3. For “nanoKONTROL2 SLIDER/KNOB” and “nanoKONTROL2 CTRL,” clear the “Include in All MIDI Inputs” check box. Korg nanoKONTROL 2 Convenient, compact control surface, with easy setup for immediate use In a body proportioned to fit perfectly in front of your laptop computer, the nanoKONTROL2 provides eight channels of the controllers you need to control your music software. The nanoKONTROL2 also features a dedicated transport control section. (wireless connection): iPhone/iPad installed with iOS 8 or later Quick Start Guide and compatible with Bluetooth 4.0 For the purpose of improvement, the specifications and nanoKONTROL Studio operation is not guaranteed with all appearance are subject to change without notice. Devices that satisfy these operating requirements. The drum pad portion called the Nanopad 2 features 16 dynamic sensing pads multiplied by 4 sections equaling 64 total sounds. We like the small and lightweight form factor of the Nanopad, which makes it one of the best for traveling. In addition to the pads, it also features a touch scale that lets you play phrases intuitively.
Korg’s two new Nano Studio edition controllers expand on the existing NanoKeys 2 and NanoKontrol 2 in both size and functionality. Though somewhat less ‘nano’ they are still eminently portable, especially as they offer wireless Bluetooth connection to computers and iOS devices, and can be battery powered.
Kompact & Bijou
The NanoKontrol Studio.Compared to the Kontrol 2, the Kontrol Studio is spread into a more comfortable layout with the Mute, Solo, Rec and select buttons moved out from between the faders and up into the more traditional position above. This makes the unit around twice as deep, but shaves a couple of inches off the width, leaving a footprint like an elongated iPad Air. Mac os x mavericks iso google drive. The faders are longer throw, and all buttons have cool white backlighting. The other main physical differences are the jog wheel and a Scene button, which toggles the whole surface through five separate controller assignment pages when used in stand-alone MIDI mode.
The NanoKey Studio.The NanoKey Studio takes the two-octave keyboard layout from the NanoKeys 2 and adds eight knobs, eight trigger pads and an X-Y touch controller. It also offers considerably more functionality, with eight assignment scenes, scale and chord modes and a built-in arpeggiator.
Well Connected
A switch on the back of the devices selects either USB or Bluetooth mode, and can also power them off, which is helpful for conserving your batteries. I followed the instructions to connect to my Mac: a slightly different procedure to a Bluetooth mouse or keyboard as it’s done via the Audio MIDI Setup utility. Pairing was quick and easy, but I found that I had to repeat this process after a restart. This was aided by installing a small taskbar utility with a shortcut to the Bluetooth settings.
With iOS devices, the Nano Studios connect via Bluetooth in System settings like any other Bluetooth device. You can then use them as generic controllers with any app that supports CoreMIDI. However, some Korg apps support the devices directly, allowing direct control over the Bluetooth connection, and offering more integrated functionality. On occasion I had frustrating connectivity issues: I found the Bluetooth connectivity sketchy as the batteries got low, and the units were also fussy about which USB cables I used.
Studio Pad
My iOS testing for the NanoKontrol Studio was predominantly in Korg’s own Gadget app; mainly because this was the only app I could find that supports it out of the box. My other Korg apps, iMS20 and iElectribe, both have a ‘Native Nano’ mode, but they’ve not been updated for use with the Studio editions. For example, in iMS20 the original NanoKontrol can control the part mixer, among other things, but the Studio does nothing, not even transport. I couldn’t find a way to use the Kontrol with GarageBand, which is probably the most widely used iOS music package.
Korg’s Gadget has built-in support for the Nano Studio devices on both iOS and Mac.Korg’s brilliant iOS toyshop of synths and drum machines is definitely enhanced by the NanoKontrol Studio. Transport, mixer and track selection can all be controlled from the hardware. I was a bit disappointed that several buttons were unassigned; it would have been great to use a couple of the buttons to step through Scenes, for example. The track selector is also non-functional, and would have been very useful.
The more generic nature of the NanoKey Studio made it a lot more widely usable on my iPad than the Kontrol. I had it working with a variety of synth apps, as well as GarageBand. It was also great fun to use both controllers together with Gadget and set up a little portable workstation. Gadget LE is included with the Nano Studio controllers, along with the LE version of Korg Module. Again, it was a bit disappointing that the Native modes in the Korg apps didn’t appear to function as expected. In iMS20, most of the knobs did stuff, although the mapping seemed random. Worse, I was unable to map the X-Y to the Kaossilator pads in the FX section. Hopefully it won’t be too long before someone shares some Kontrol Editor maps for use with different apps.
Computer Kontrol
When connected to a computer the Kontrol Studio has different modes for use with specific DAWs, a general stand-alone assignable mode, and connects natively to Gadget for Mac. The Cubase, Live, Studio One, Sonar and Digital Performer modes are all essentially Mackie Control emulations, and there’s a Pro Tools mode that uses the HUI protocol. These days it comes as a surprise when there isn’t a dedicated device profile for Live that would allow for automatic setup and dynamic control mapping. Logic and GarageBand are, however, supported directly with a supplied controller plug-in. There’s no mention of Reason (which is strange as Reason Lite is the one bundled DAW), but it does work up to a point via the Mackie emulation.
In Live’s Session view you get bankable mixer control, but no Device control. The jog wheel scrolls up and down the Scene list, but provides no means to actually trigger the selected Scene. In Arrange view the jog wheel moves the play marker and the Marker buttons work effectively at setting position pointers and navigating between them. The functionality is similar in all the other DAWs: mixer control, transport, and navigation with the wheel. In all the DAW modes the Scene button has no function. Gadget control is identical to the iOS version.
Korg Kontrol Editor lets you assign multiple scenes on both controllers.In stand-alone MIDI mode you can use the supplied Korg Kontrol Editor to set up five layers of assignments of Note or CC messages. The wheel has a more detailed setup page that should cover most eventualities. The Scene button tabs you through your different assignment pages, with a row of five LEDs showing you where you are. Unfortunately, switching between each of the DAW modes and stand-alone mode requires that you restart the device while holding down various button combinations (which I had to look up in the manual every time). It’s a real shame that you can’t toggle between DAW and stand-alone mode on the fly and get the best of both worlds. As it stands, the majority of users will probably never use the powerful multi-scene mode.
Computer Keys
The NanoKey Studio functions like a generic MIDI keyboard when connected to your computer. There’s no Logic plug-in this time, and again no Live remote script, so any knob assignments will need to be manually mapped. There are, however, eight available scenes to switch between, which you can adjust with the Kontrol Editor if necessary. The keys themselves are the same as on the regular Nano: large buttons that feel like keys on traditional ‘clacky’ computer keyboards. They won’t be to everyone’s taste, but they do allow Korg to cram two octaves into a tiny space. Unlike a computer keyboard they are velocity sensitive. A nice touch is the Sustain button, which works in place of a footpedal.
As a MIDI keyboard there’s a lot of functionality on offer that you wouldn’t see on many full-sized keyboards. There’s a built-in Arpeggiator with multiple types and gate patterns that you select via the Shift key and drum pads; as you cycle through the options the backlights on the keys animate to show you the pattern. You can also use the pads to set up a Scale and Key for use with the Easy Scale and Scale Guide functions. Easy Scale maps your chosen scale and key to the ‘white’ notes on the keyboard (which are actually black). Scale Guide leaves the keys in their default chromatic assignment, but uses the backlights to indicate your selected scale. Finally, there’s a handy Chord Pad mode that plays chords with the drum pads. In Easy Scale mode the black (grey) keys on the keyboards also play these chords.
The touch pad is an unexpected bonus in a mini MIDI keyboard. This has three separate functions, selected from the buttons below it. In Pitch/Mod mode the pad takes the place of pitch-bend and mod wheels. In X-Y mode the pad becomes a flexible controller, sending two sets of CC data. This was easy to map in Live and in various plug-ins, and was lots of fun. Finally there’s a Touch Scale mode where the pad is used to play notes.
While sacrificing some of the extreme portability of the previous Nano devices, the Studio models gain an unprecedented amount of functionality for controllers that fit in a laptop bag. Bluetooth connectivity and battery power also mean zero cables to carry around and lose. The NanoKontrol Studio works well with most computer DAWs, although has a limited repertoire on iOS, and is held back by lack of ability to mix the fixed DAW and User modes. The NanoKey Studio works with anything and is a great ultra-portable all-rounder.
There are very few MIDI controllers that offer Bluetooth connectivity. Korg and Akai both have simple Bluetooth keyboards, the MicroKey 2 Air and LPK 25 Wireless respectively, which have more traditional keys than the NanoKey but none of the extras. For a premium price there’s CME’s slimline XKey range. I can’t think of anything comparable to the NanoKontrol Studio with a wireless connection.
If you can live with USB, then there’s a lot of other comparable options at a lower price from Korg, Akai and Novation in particular. Finally, it’s also worth checking Korg’s Taktile 25 which is like a combo of both the Nano Studio devices, albeit in a chunkier, USB-only package.
- Wireless or USB connectivity.
- Battery or USB power.
- Lots of features packed in.
- Native support in Gadget/Gadget for Mac.
- Didn’t always re-connect over Bluetooth.
- Lack of Ableton Live Remote Script limits functionality.
- Very limited support for Kontrol Studio on iOS.
- Kontrol could do more in Gadget.
Although there are less expensive portables, and more functional ones if you’re an Ableton user, nothing else matches the Nano Studios in terms of wireless convenience and features per square inch.
Korg grants you, the original purchaser, the non-exclusive right to use the program and the data file constituting this software and the upgrade program(s) as well as the data file(s) which may be distributed to you from time to time (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Licensed Program”) on associated Korg product(s) and/or a single computer under your control and used by only one person at a time.
All references to the Licensed Program shall mean the object code only of the program(s) comprising the Licensed Program.
The Licensed Program and any manuals or other written documentation supplied with the Licensed Program belongs to you. The ownership of the rights to and the copyright of the Licensed Program itself (whether supplied via a storage device, diskette, download from the Internet or otherwise) and the copyright of the contents of any manual or other written document belong to Korg.
Korg reserves the right to make modifications to the Licensed Program and to the support services set out in clause 7 of this agreement (referred to in this agreement as “the Services”) without prior notification to you.
The Licensed Program contains copyrighted information. For the purpose of protecting such copyrights, you may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise reduce the Licensed Program to a human-perceivable form (save as may be permitted by law).
You may not duplicate, alter, modify, rent, lease, resell, assign, loan, sub-license, distribute the whole or part of the Licensed Program, or make derivative works based on what is contained in the Licensed Program. (However, it is not included in this restriction that you create derivative works based on the data file(s).)
You may not transfer the Licensed Program to another computer through a network.
You may make only one backup copy of the Licensed Program, which you are only allowed to use for the purpose of restoring the Licensed Program.
This agreement takes effect on the date you have received the Licensed Program. The license granted in this agreement will terminate automatically without notice from Korg in the event that you breach any provision of this agreement or in any way infringe Korg’s copyright in the Licensed Program. In such event you must destroy the Licensed Program and its backup copy immediately.
Korg warrants that the Licensed Program when properly used will provide the facilities and functions as described in the accompanying documentation but does not warrant that the operation of the Licensed Program will be uninterrupted or error-free.
This warranty shall however only apply to the latest version of the Licensed Program (provided that Korg has reasonably made such version available to you) and shall not apply to any previous version or versions of the Licensed Program.
Korg’s obligation and your exclusive remedy under the warranty mentioned above, is limited either:
(a) to Korg at its own expense using all reasonable endeavours to rectify any non-conformance with the warranty by repair (by way of a patch, work around, correction or otherwise) within a reasonable period of time or,
(b) to a refund of the license fee paid (if any) if in Korg’s reasonable opinion it is unable to rectify such non-conformance within a reasonable timescale or at an economic cost, whereupon this agreement and the license created by this agreement shall terminate.

In the event that there is any physical defect in the disk (storage device, etc.) on which the Licensed Program is supplied, Korg will exchange the defective disk with a non-defective disk of the same model at no charge, provided that you have notified Korg of the existence of such defect within 28 days from the date you have received the disk, and provided that Korg shall never be held liable to replace the disk or data in the event that the defect is attributed to accident, abuse, misuse or other such causes outside of Korg’s control.
The warranties provided in this clause 4 is limited to the product purchased from an authorized retailer, distributor or download from the Korg website.
Nanokontrol 2 Studio One 4 Pro
You agrees that the express obligations and warranties made by Korg in this Agreement are (so far as is permitted by law) in lieu of and to the exclusion of any other warranty, condition, term, undertaking or representation of any kind, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, relating to anything supplied or services provided under or in connection with this Agreement including (without limitation) any warranty as to the condition, quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for purpose of the Licensed Program and the Services or any part of them.
Korg, in no event, will be liable for the direct, derivative, collateral or consequential damage caused by the use of or the inability of using the Licensed Program (including but not limited to damage of data, lost commercial profit, interruption of work, lost commercial information), regardless of the degree of damages, and even if Korg was aware of the possibility of such damages or the possibility of a claim for damage from a third party in advance.
In the event that Korg offers an updated or upgraded version of the Licensed Program to you at any time, Korg’s obligation (and that of its distributors and dealers) to support previous versions of the Licensed Program shall cease 28 days following such updated or upgraded version being made available to you.
Nothing in this agreement shall affect the statutory rights of any person dealing with Korg as a consumer.
Korg may on occasions supply software programs, data files and/or documentation belonging to a third party or parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Third Party Software”).
If supplied in conjunction with any Korg instrument or equipment, such Third Party Software shall only relate to the non-essential functions of such instrument or equipment.
If Third Party Software has been supplied (whether in conjunction with any Korg instrument or equipment, or as a stand-alone product) a notice to that effect will be contained with or on the disk supplied and in such circumstances Korg shall be deemed to be acting as the agent only of the supplier of such Third Party Software.
In the event that Third Party Software is supplied, you agree to be bound by and to observe any terms and conditions relating to the use of such Third Party Software.
Korg shall not be obliged to provide support services for any Third Party Software supplied (whether relating to operating methods, defects, or otherwise).
Korg provides no warranty in relation to any Third Party Software supplied and all warranties whether express or implied as to the condition, quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for purpose of the Third Party Software or any part of the same are (in so far as may be permitted by law) hereby excluded.
Nanokontrol 2 Studio One 4.0
Korg furthermore disclaims all responsibilities for direct, derivative, collateral or consequential damages caused by the use of or the inability of using the Third Party Software (including but not limited to damage of data, lost commercial profit, interruption of work, lost commercial information), regardless of the degree of damages, and even if Korg was aware of the possibility of such damages in advance.
7. SUPPORT SERVICES /ppsspp-bike-racing-games-for-android-free-download.html.
Support services such as technical support or upgrade support for this product are provided according to the support service policies of Korg’s distributors applicable in each country.
Korg reserves the right to amend any such policies from time to time in its absolute discretion.
When the Licensed Program or associated Korg product(s) is discontinued, the support services will be terminated after 12 months from such discontinuation. The support referred to in this clause 7 is limited to the products purchased from an authorized retailer, distributor or download from the Korg website.
In the event that Korg offers an updated or upgraded version of the Licensed Program to you at any time, Korg’s obligation (and that of its distributors and dealers) to support previous versions of the Licensed Program shall cease 28 days following such updated or upgraded version being made available to you.
The license created by this agreement is personal to you and you may not assign or otherwise transfer your rights or obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of Korg.
If any part of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction or other competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable then such part shall be severed from the remainder of this Agreement which will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.
This agreement is governed by and construed under the local law of the country where this product has been purchased.
Nanokontrol 2 Studio One 4.5
You hereby agree to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the aforementioned territory, without regards to conflicts of law provisions.
Nanokontrol 2 Studio One 4.1
Headings have been included for convenience only and shall not be used in construing any provision in this Agreement.