L293d Motor Driver Module
- L293d Motor Driver Module Pinout
- L293d Motor Driver Module Connection
- L293d Motor Driver Module Wikipedia
L293D Motor Driver
L293D is a 16 pin motor driver IC consist of quadruple half H drivers. It can simultaneously control the direction and speed of two DC motors. L293d is a suitable device to use for stepper motors, gear motors etc.
The IC has an operating voltage range from 4.5 V to 36 V. Download game the sims 1 highly compressed. The L293 and L293D models can drive current up to 1A and 600mA respectively.
L293d pin diagram
The L293D motor driver module has two H-Bridge circuits and therefore can control two dc motors simultaneously. The pins IN1, IN2, IN3 and IN4 are actually for controlling the switches of the H-bridge circuit of the L293D module.
L293D pinout 16 Pin PDIP Package
IC L293D pin functions
Pin 1: Enable 1,2 – This is an active high input. When the pin is high it enables the driver channels 1 and 2.
Applications of L293D Dual H- Bridge Motor Driver IC: High Current Motor Driver IC. Dual H-bridge for controlling up to two motors at a time. Ideal for Inductive load de coupling from the main/control unit. Wide voltage range allows for an adaptive voltage range control. L293D Module is an IC L293D based easy hookup board that comes with all the L293D features. This IC is a 16 pin half H bridge motor driver IC. It is capable of driving two DC motors or stepper motors at the same time. This L293D motor driver board can be used to drive high current circuits using digital circuits like 555 Timer, MOSFET, or microcontrollers like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, PIC, etc.
Input High state – Enabled.
Input Low state – Disabled.
Pin 2: Input 1 – Digital input to control the output 1. The state of all outputs OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, OUT4 will be same as the input state applied at the corresponding inputs.
Output = Input.
High input – High output.
Low input – Low output.
Pin 3: Output 1 – Connected to one of the terminals of the motor 1; motor 1 – connected across the output 1 and 2.
Pin 4: GND – Heatsink and Ground Connection. The GND connection itself used as the heat sink to disperse the heat.
Pin 5: GND – Heatsink and Ground Connection.
Pin 6: Output 2 – Connected to the remaining terminal of the motor 1. Motor terminals should be connected with respect to the inputs assigned.
Pin 7: Input 2 – Digital input to control the output 2.

Pin 8: Vcc2 – Supply to the motors, 4.5V to 36V. The supply must be connected to a source capable enough to drive the current requirement of the load.
Pin 9: Enable3,4 – It is also an active high input. It is to enable and disable the driver channels 3 and 4.

Pin 10: Input 3 – Digital input to control the output 3.
Microsoft dynamics ax 2012 download torrent. Pin 11: Output 3 – Connected to one of the terminals of the motor 2; motor 2 – connected across the output 3 and 4.
Pin 12: GND – Heatsink and Ground Connection.
Pin 13: GND – Heatsink and Ground Connection. The Ground terminals should be soldered to a metallic area in the PCB which is enough to transfer the heat generated.
Pin 14: Output 4 – Connected to the remaining terminal of the motor 1.
Pin 15: Input 4 – Input to control the output 4. All the inputs are permitted only up to a maximum of 7V.
Pin 16: Vcc1 – 5V supply for the functioning of the IC.
L293D working
The IC L293D works with an H bridge arrangement, which can alternate the polarity across a load or change the direction of the current.
Refer: DC motor direction control
H bridge Truth table
S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | Motor Direction |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Freerunning |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | Clockwise |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Anticlockwise |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Brake |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | Brake |
The s1 and s3, s2 and s4 are not permitted to close at a time as it will short circuit the supply.
Simply, what a motor driver does is it act as a current amplifier which gives high current outputs to drive the motor from a low current control signal. Driver IC or a driver circuit is a similar H bridge arrangement instead of switches replaced with transistors, MOSFETs, etc. Hence low current input signals can switch these devices and operate in the same way as an H bridge circuit works.
L293D Function Table
INPUT | OUTPUT | Motor Direction | ||
IN1/IN3 | IN2/IN4 | OUT1/OUT3 | OUT2/OUT4 | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Brake |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Clockwise |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Anti-clockwise |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Brake |
L293D motor driver Arduino interfacing
Driver IC L293D is available as module and Arduino shield. L293D Motor Driver modules usually come with an inbuilt Lm317 voltage regulator circuit or similar voltage regulating circuit, along with connectors.
There is no difference in program or connection vice while using the L293D IC directly or through a module.
Connect the 4 inputs and 2 enable pins to the respective digital output pins of the arduino as declared in the code.
Driver module
L293d motor driver module connection with Arduino Uno
The below arduino code just show you how the motor direction changes with the change in respective input states. As given in the code, for five seconds the motor runs in the clockwise direction, then in the counterclockwise direction and then stops; this repeats again.
L293d motor driver Arduino code
There are multiple kinds of motion we face in our daily life some are linear some are rotatory motion. Both motions have their importance in machines and our life. In the 19th century, the scientist started discovering/inventing some ways of producing current and motions when British physicist John Ambrose Fleming invented the right-hand rule.
Why do we need motors?
The right-hand rule was invented in the 19th century and it shows that we can produce current by combining the magnetic field and motion by following some specific rules. It also shows that we can produce the magnetic field and motion by combining one of each with the current.
L293d Motor Driver Module Pinout
After the invention of right-hand rule, a DC motor was invented by British scientist William Sturgeon. The DC motor was the first motor used by the scientist to convert the electric current to rotatory motion. DC Motor in the late 19th century has its own use but after the discovery of AC motor by Nikola Tesla and a wide amount of usage of AC current in industry and houses. The usage of AC motor became very much popular in the 20th century. But after the invention of the ICs DC motor again start gaining its popularity.
Why we need a Motor Driver?
Every AC and DC motor have the ability to rotate in both directions. AC motor has its own rules and usage, but DC motor could rotate in another direction just by changing the polarity of the current. Now a day mostly DC Motors are used to produce rotatory motion due to its high efficiency. But in some cases, we need to rotate the motor in both directions. Like robots, cars, etc. There are multiple circuits by which motor could be rotated in both directions just by using some diodes and transistors. But those circuits are complex to make. To avoid the complexity and IC name l293d was invented by which not only direction, other multiple functions could be achieved just by the blink of an eye.
- Another motor driver IC L298N
L293D Motor Driver Introduction
L293d IC is known as a motor driver. It is a low voltage operating device like other ICs. The other ICs could have the same functions like L293d but they cannot provide the high voltage to the motor. L293d provides the continuous bidirectional Direct Current to the Motor. The Polarity of current can change at any time without affecting the whole IC or any other device in the circuit. L293d has an internal H-bridge installed for two motors.
H-Bridge is an electrical circuit that enables the load in a bidirectional way. L293d bridge is controlled by external low voltage signals. It may be small in size, but its power output capacity is higher than our expectation. It could control any DC motor speed and direction with a voltage range of 4.5 – 36 Volts. Its diodes also save the controlling device and IC from back EMF. To control the max 600mA amount of current an internal “Darlington transistor sink” installed in it, which could be used to control a large amount of current by providing a small amount of current. It has also internal “pseudo-Darlington source” which amplifies the input signal to control the high voltage DC motor without any interception.
L293D pinout
L293D Pin Configuration Details
- L293d could be used to control the two motors at the same time.
- It has the ability to control the speed by using the enable pin.
- The direction is also easy to change.
- Voltage supply range is higher than other IC. Voltage range between 4.5-36 volts can easily handle by the IC to the motor.
- The motor has a maximum continuous range of current close to 600mA but the maximum peak current range is 1.2A
- It has an automatic shutdown system on thermal condition.
- Its working range is from 0 – 70 degree which is much higher for any small-sized IC.
- It has an internal back emp protection for IC and the controlling device.
How to Use L293D?
L293d may have an internal complex circuit, but it is easy to use in real life. Just attach two motors with output pins. Remember at output 1 and output 2 same motor should be connected and it needs to be the same for output 3 and output 4. All ground should be common with both the power supplies provided to the IC. The enable pins are used to control the outputs but when we use the microcontrollers or microprocessor these enable pins can be used to control the speed of the motor.
Motor Control Pins
The Input pins have a major role to control the direction of the motor. If Input 1 (Pin 2) is High and Enable (Pin 1) is high low but Input 2 (Pin 7) is low than motor will rotate clockwise at motor attached to the Pin 3 & 6. The rotation will be anti-clockwise when Input 2 (Pin 7) & Enable (Pin 1) is high but Input 1 (Pin 2) is low. To control the rotation of Pin 11 & 14 the Pin 9,10 & 11 will be used. If Input 1 & Input 2 has the same logic at the same time or enable 1 pin is low then there will be no rotation. This will be the same for Input 3, Input 4 and enable 2.
L293D Example Circuits
As you read above L293d has multiple featured and usage where it can be used without any limitations. Here is an example of the circuit of street racing cars. We just need to use two L293d to control the car.
- Connect all the enable pins together and use the single button to control the motor power state.
- Then attach the input pins with any microcontroller or microprocessor and control their direction.
- The speed of the car could be control by proving the controllable PWM on enable pins.
- After attaching all pins to the microcontroller/microprocessor follow these states to control the direction of the car.
Moving Robot Forward or Backward
If Input 1 and Input 3 of both L392d is high then the car will move in forwarding direction. To change the direction from forward to backwards just change all inputs of forwarding direction from high to low and low to high.
L293d Motor Driver Module Connection
Moving Robot Left or Right
- To move the turn to the right of left you just need to turn off all the wheel of that direction where they should be turned.
- If you want the car to take the left turn than just turn off the right tyros by giving them the same inputs to the right wheel. Do the same for the left wheel to move left.
These all above methods are usually used for the car. These functions could be developed on the bases of the requirement. mahjong app for mac In robot or any other car different methods will be used but to control multiple DC motors (range 4.5 -36 Volts) direction and speed L293D is the best option.
Proteus Simulation
You may also like to have a look at practical examples with L293D:
L293d Motor Driver Module Wikipedia
- It could be used to control stepper and DC motor direction and Speed.
- Due to a separate power supply for the motor, it could be used in small children’s cars, street racing cars, or robots.
- It could be used for latching relay drivers.